Goethe International Charter School
12500 Braddock Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90066
www.goethecharterschool.org Tel: 310.306.3484 Principal: Casey Jones Students Served: TK - 8 Teacher Student Ratio: 1:25 (target) Special Education:Identified students supported through Individualized Education Plans or 504 Plans. Virtual Tours: Sign up here. Mission Goethe International Charter School’s mission is to create a multi-lingual and international educational environment that advances the knowledge, critical thinking and personal development of our students and prepares them to be self-motivated citizens who will thrive in the global world. Notable Awards and Honors: Voted #1 Best of the Westside (Argonaut), Rated #2 Elementary. Charter School in L.A. (Niche), International Baccalaureate World School, Distinguished School, Gold Ribbon School, Green Ribbon School. Immersion and Language Programs: German Immersion (K-5), Spanish Acquisition (3-5), Middle School Language - German or Spanish Electives: Art, Language (German and Spanish), Digital Design, Product Design, Visual Arts, Performing Arts Questions? Casey Jones for TK-5 at [email protected] or Scott Michaelson for 6-8 at [email protected]. |