Playa del Rey Elementary
12221 Juniette Street, Culver City, California 90230 Tel: 310.827.3560 Enrollment Requirements You may apply for a permit to Playa del Rey, but space is extremely limited. After receiving enrollment forms from neighborhood residents, the principal will consider the applications of those who do not live within the school’s attendance area and decide whether the school is in a position to grant any permits. Age Requirements Transitional Kindergarten - child must be 5 years old between Sept. 2-December 2nd ; Kindergarten - child must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1st ; First Grade - child must be 6 years old on or before Sept. 1st Enrollment forms will be available in the school office to those who live within the Playa del Rey Elementary attendance area. You must present proof of residence, such as a utility bill, a rental agreement or a property tax bill; as well as an original birth certificate, passport or baptismal certificate; and an immunization record for the child you wish to enroll. Enrollment packets will be available from the office in the spring. For more, see the registration page. |